The best time to visit Dubai is subjective upon the various aspects of likes and dislikes of certain visitors. Some people may like the crowding joys of unison while others may like a quiet and serene place. 

Well, there is a best for everything as Vigor Travels brings to you the dynamically changing environmental and climatic factors that influence the best time for you to visit Dubai. Check with us before booking your tickets to Dubai-land!

Peak time means Show Time!

The months between September to April is a great time for you to visit if you are looking to avoid the Middle East heat waves. It is neither plunged in complete winters nor in complete summers and calls for a pleasantness in the environment making it easier for you all to move around the city, enjoying the vast number of outdoor attractions.

Time for the cheap-sters to reign!

May to August is that time of the year when the locals advise staying indoors to avoid the soaring temperatures characteristic of the Middle East. However, due to the heat, crowds are supposedly less and the hotel prices drop giving you the benefit of travelling cheaper than usual. 

Also visiting Dubai in these months is not a complete waste as you can always step out to enjoy the high-tech air-conditioned Dubai malls providing you the opportunity to make use of the well-saved money. Avoid booking your tickets for the holy month of Ramadan as you may find hectic crowds to give you a difficult time.

Best time for Beaches

Best Time for Beaches

If you wish to not avoid the sun altogether, the months of April and May are best to be able to enjoy water sports as well as the sun-kissed Insta-worthy photos on the best beaches of Dubai

This time is the most appropriate to be able to avoid taking a dip in the water in the chillingly cold wintry months. You can also go try surfing, kite-flying, or jet-skiing as you spread your wings to touch the ocean sky.

Time for Deserts and Safari!

Deserts Safari

The northern hemisphere is plunged in winters in between November to March which is the best time to go safari in the deserts. While you can also try your hand in quad biking and sandboarding, don’t miss out on the affluent night dining and entertaining live performances.

It’s Shopping Time!

It’s Shopping Time

The very famous Dubai Shopping Festival is a must-do for every ardent shopping fan. If you like the wholesale department of thrills and frills, then plan your holiday to Dubai in the month of January.

The Dubai Summer Surprise is another such event that occurs in mid-July to offer various discounts for a period of about 2 months. So when it’s up for sale, go shopping!

Honeymooning Couples- Come Find Your Time!

Honeymooning Couples - Come Find Your Time

November to March is just perfect for those long evening walks, hand-in-hand. And if you are into shopping too then find your way to the Dubai shopping hub in the month of January.

Best Time to visit the Burj Khalifa

Burj khalifa

Your trip to the United Arab Emirates will be incomplete if you do not check off this towering giant from your list. Well, the long queues in the wintry months are a major bummer. Plan your visit to Dubai around April and May to make use of whatever time you have in hand. If you must visit in the winter months, remember to book your ticket to the Burj Khalifa in advance to make the most of your time.


The Off-peak season from May to August is the cheapest time to visit Dubai.

January, the month of the Dubai Shopping Festival, is the most crowded time of Dubai.

January is the coldest month in Dubai, experiencing a temperature of 19°C to 20°C and sometimes around 23°C in the afternoon which makes the weather suitable for exploring and vacation.

It is best to buy gold during the Dubai Shopping Festival of January and Dubai Summer Surprise in July.

The off peak month of May is the best for a visit to this towering giant.